Tuesday 22 July 2008


Oitilo today has very few permanent residents, but the Oitiliotes who have moved to Athens have all renovated their traditional stone houses which wait to be re-opened during holiday periods or the summer.

This quaint village forgotten by time is the ideal place to rest and recharge your batteries. You go to sleep with the sound of crickets and wake up to the chirping of sparrows.

There is no chance of being bored because there are many nearby places of interest to visit such as:

-Castle of Kelefa – On the opposite slope from Oitilo this formidable castle was built by the Turks in 1670. Although today only the outer walls remain it is still a place of interest.

-Mystras - The Byzantine city located 6km NW of Sparta. Mystras was the centre of culture and civilization in the mid-13th Centry.

-Castle of Monemvasia – A narrow stone causeway leads to the medieval fortress hidden behind a huge rock in the sea. The charming village below with souvenir shops and cafes attracts many tourists.
-Vathia - the most representative traditional village of Mani, an invaluable treasure of cultural heritage in tracing back to the identity of Mani. Dense traditional Towers perched on the top of a hill lure you to call on this monument of Mani.
-Vathi – Near Gythio, one of the most beautiful beaches of Laconia.-Gythio - The capital of Mani and the port from where Paris set off by ship with Helen of Troy.
-Stupa - The place which “Zorba the Greek” lived. Now a cosmopolitan seaside town with two beautiful sandy beaches and cafes and restaurants filed alongside.
-The Caves of Diros – 10km from Areopoli, gondoliers steer small boats through 5,000 meters of river cave passageways which have many spectacular formations of stalagmites and stalactites. The caves served as place of worship in Palaeolithic and Neolithic times.

-GYTHEIO - The port that Helen of Troy set off from with Paris. Today it is a bustling seaside town with sandy beaches visited by many tourists.

Gytheio is 30km distance from Oitilo. 

If you like action Mani is ideal for wind surfing,fishing,swimming, trecking.

If you like good food, Neo Oitilo’s seaside tavernas are renowned for serving their fish from the sea to the grill.

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